Home Construction Update: 4/17/2015

As many of you know, we’ve got two new homes for sale currently under construction in Indian Ridge.

The first new home under construction – a two story – is located at 2941 Seminole Way. The second – a single story – is at 2321 Kiowa Court.

We’ve got some great photos from both construction sites below. Also, if you’re interested in either home both have listings up on Zillow.com.

2941 Seminole Way Zillow Listing

2321 Kiowa Court Zillow Listing

Construction update for 2941 Seminole Way:

As you can see, the framers were busy this week at our two story home under construction.

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Construction Update for 2321 Kiowa Court:

Things are also moving along nicely at our home on Kiowa Court. Check out the photos below!

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