There are a number of advantages when it comes living in a home or rental with Indian Ridge Properties.
Below we’ve highlighted just a few of the many things which we feel make Indian Ridge not only a great community to live it, but one which is located to some great local hot spots.
*3 Minutes from I-75
*Across the street from Piqua Junior and Senior High Schools
*3 Minutes from Upper Valley Joint Vocational School
*4 Minutes from Edison State Community College
*6 Minutes from Miami Valley Center Mall
*26 Minutes to Vandalia National Airport
*New elementary and middle schools being constructed to finish in 2015
*Quiet/friendly community
*New expansion of West side of Indian Ridge to begin Spring 2014
*Lots currently available for new home construction – ATI Quality Homes
*City of Piqua Utilities and Vectren
*1-3 Minutes from two Large Churches